Pedroza, Luicy
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Teléfono: +(52) 55 5449 3000
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Líneas de investigación: Políticas de migración y de ciudadanía en perspectiva comparada (Europa, Asia, Latinoamérica) -- Gobernanza y gestión de las migraciones -- Participación política de las personas migrantes -- Política comparada -- Cultura política y educación cívica -- Instituciones electorales -- Políticas de representación de minorías
Publicaciones recientes
- Luicy Pedroza, Citizenship Beyond Nationality: Immigrants’ Right to Vote across the World, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019.
- Luicy Pedroza, Pau Palop-García y Bert Hoffmann, Emigrant Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago de Chile: FLASCO Chile, 2016. Disponible de forma gratuita a través del repositorio LeibnizOpen:
Artículos arbitrados
- Luicy Pedroza, “Los límites de la participación política en una democracia excepcional: migrantes en Costa Rica/ The Limits of Political Participation in an Exceptional Democracy: Migrants in Costa Rica”, Migraciones Internacionales, Vol. 11, Art. 7, 2020. e-ISSN 2594-0279,
- Pau Palop-García y Luicy Pedroza, “Beyond Emigrant Voting: Consultation as a Mechanism of Political Incorporation from Abroad OR not all Emigrant Consultative Bodies are Born the Same”, Migration Letters, vo.17, n. 1, 2020, pp. 139-146.
- Luicy Pedroza, “A comprehensive framework for studying migration policies (and a call to observe them beyond immigration to the West)”, GIGA Working Papers, No. 321, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, 2020.
- Luicy Pedroza y Pau Palop-García, “Return or Remittances? Diaspora Economic Policies of Latin American and Caribbean States”, Apuntes. Revista de ciencias sociales, Fondo Editorial Universidad del Pacífico, vol. 46 (84), pp. 159-184, 2019.
- Pau Palop-García y Luicy Pedroza, Passed, regulated, or applied? The different stages of emigrant enfranchisement in Latin America and the Caribbean, Democratization, vol. 26 (3): 401-421, 2019.
- Luicy Pedroza y Palop-Garcia, Pau, Diaspora policies in comparison: An application of the Emigrant Policies Index (EMIX) for the Latin American and Caribbean region, Political Geography, 60, September, pp. 165–178, 2017.
- Pedroza, Luicy y Pau Palop-García, The grey area between nationality and citizenship: an analysis of external citizenship policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Citizenship Studies, vol. 21, n. 5, pp. 587-605, 2017.
- Pau Palop-García y Luicy Pedroza, “Beyond convergence: unveiling variations of external franchise in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1950 to 2015“, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 43, n. 9, 1597-1616, 2016.
- Luicy Pedroza, “The Democratic Potential of Enfranchising Resident Migrants”, International Migration, vol. 53, n. 3, 22–35, 2015.
- Luicy Pedroza y Hannes Mosler, An Unexpected Pioneer in Asia: The Enfranchisement of Foreign Residents in South Korea, Ethnopolitics, vol. 15, n. 2, pp. 187-210, 2014.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Why some non-citizen migrants are more equal than others. Denizen enfranchisement in Portugal”, Citizenship Studies, vol. 17, 6-7, pp. 852-872, 2013.
Capítulos de libro
- Luicy Pedroza / Detlef Nolte / Gino Pauselli. “Ámbito de los derechos humanos, los refugiados y las migraciones”, in Andrés Serbin y Andrei Serbin Pont (eds.), ¿Por qué la Unión Europea debería ser de relevancia para América Latina y el Caribe?, Buenos Aires: CRIES and EU-LAC Foundation, 2019.
- Luicy Pedroza y Alexandra Délano Alonso, “Tránsitos futuros: fronteras y migración en México”, en Humberto Beck y Rafael Lemus (eds.), El futuro es hoy: ideas radicales para México, Barcelona and Mexico City, BIBLIOTECA NUEVA Ediciones, 2018.
- Luicy Pedroza y Hannes Mosler, “Citizenship and Migration in South Korea: In the Forefront of Democracies?”, en Kim Youngmi (ed.), Korea's Quest for Democratization: Globalization, Polarization and Contention, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Unchecked Migration and Democratic Citizenship”, en Eigenmann Philipp; Thomas Geisen; Studer, Tobias (eds.), Migration und Minderheiten in der Demokratie. Politische Formen und soziale Grundlagen von Partizipation, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 133-152, 2016.
- Luicy Pedroza, “How do the others do it? Extensions of voting rights to foreign residents in the German neighborhood and beyond”, en Morlok, Martin; Poguntke, Thomas; Bukow, Sebastian (eds.), Parteien, Demokratie und Staatsbürgerschaft, Nomos, Schriften zu Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung 48, Baden-Baden, pp. 103-11, 2014.
- Luicy Pedroza, “National Passports or Local Ballots? Denizen enfranchisement and the rise of flexible citizenship”, in Willem Maas (ed.), Multilevel Citizenship, University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 25-42, 2013.
Reportes técnicos arbitrados
- Luicy Pedroza, Political participation of mobile EU citizens in Germany. EUI Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT): Political Participation Reports, Florence, 2018.
- Luicy Pedroza,Electoral Rights in Mexico. EUI-EUDO Citizenship Observatory on Citizenship, Florence, 2015.
- Luicy Pedroza, Access to Electoral Rights in Germany. EUDO Citizenship Observatory on Citizenship, Florence: RSCAS, EUI. June 2013.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Extensiones del derecho de voto a inmigrantes en Latinoamérica: ¿Contribuciones a una ciudadanía política igualitaria?”, Working Paper Series, n. 57, 2013.
- Luicy Pedroza, But Don’t Mention Migration! Explaining the “failed” denizen enfranchisement reforms in Germany, DISC Working Paper No. 15, Central European University Press, Budapest, 2011.
Publicaciones de difusión
- Luicy Pedroza, “Los otros y nosotros. El valor democrático de debatir la inclusión de los migrantes”, Otros Diálogos de El Colegio de México, núm. 12, 2020.
- Luicy Pedroza, “What the Bremer Town Musicians Tell Us about Citizenship’s Potential”, Contribution to the Globalcit Forum Cities vs States: Should Urban Citizenship be Emancipated from Nationality?, European University Institute, 8 enero de 2020. También publicado en Verfassungsblog: On Matters Constitutional, 26 de enero de 2020.
- Luicy Pedroza y Pau Palop, Forging Bonds with Emigrants: Challenges for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean/ Forjando lazos con emigrants: desafíos para Europa, América Latina y el Cariba, Hamburg: GIGA, 2018.
- Luicy Pedroza, “From Here and There: Diaspora Policies, Integration and Social Rights Beyond Borders [Book Review]”, in: Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, 18, 4, 151-152, 2018.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Öl ins Feuer: In Mexiko treffen interne Probleme auf Bedrohungen von außen“/ Gasoline into Fire: Mexico’s Internal Unrest Meets External Threats, GIGA Focus: Lateinamerika, Marzo de 2017, ISSN 1862-3573.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Innovations Rising from the South? Three Books on Latin America’s Migration Policy Trajectories”, Migration Studies, vol. 5, Issue 1, (Print: 1 March 2017), pp. 140–148, (Review Essay), 2016.
- Luicy Pedroza, Pau Palop y Bert Hoffmann, “Neue Nähe: Die Politik der Staaten Lateinamerikas zu ihren Emigranten”/ Calling Abroad: Latin America Reshapes Its Emigrant Policies, GIGA Focus Lateinamerika, 03/2016, Hamburg: GIGA, 2016.
- Luicy Pedroza, “The Unequal Chances of Migrating and Belonging”, International Affairs Forum, 1, 1, 41-47, 2016.
- Luicy Pedroza, “De fronteras y migrantes: Angela Merkel y la crisis europea”, Horizontal, 14 de Septiembre de 2015.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Myanmar: How the Rohingya and other resident minorities became disenfranchised”, European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship, News Item Published on Friday, 17 de julio de 2015.
- Luicy Pedroza. “Voting rights of transnational citizens moving forward in Germany”, News Report for the European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship, Published on Monday, 25 de Febrero de 2013.
- Luicy Pedroza, “Contra el desencanto del voto de los mexicanos en el extranjero”, Frontera Adentro | Letras Libres, 14 de marzo de 2012.
- Luicy Pedroza, “¿Por qué los migrantes deben tener el derecho a votar?”, Frontera Adentro | Letras Libres, 29 de Noviembre de 2011.